Wednesday, 25 March 2009

How to ruin a good holiday in one easy 'step'

Well, not ruin, but put a serious dampener on it.

First, a bit of background: I've been having this problem with my right foot for about a year or so. I know, I know, I should've gone to see someone about it long ago but I didn't, okay? It only occurs with certain pairs of shoes I wear, so the simple solution has been to not wear those shoes.

Well, today I'm in Stockholm - I'll get to that bit later - and I went to get some lunch. Stepping on to what I thought was a step, it was in fact a ramp - a very slippery one. Consequently, I slid half way down it and hit the bottom with an extremely painful CRUNCH. After 30 minutes of sitting down until I felt I could walk again, I've realised it's now far worse than it's ever been.

At the very least, it's going to make me walk slower and appreciate the city even more. Which, it must be said, is very easy to do. Stockholm is really beautiful, smaller than I expected - and very, very clean. It's weird, having lived in London for two years you really notice when another city isn't covered in grime and dirt.

For now, though, I'm going to find something to do!

1 comment:

WreckedDeco said...

Go see the Vasa Museum! Geez no one listens to me. Well I hope your foot is better at least - take a boat to the Vasa and you don't have to walk! Or the tram will do I guess.