Wednesday 28 February 2007

And So It Begins...

I'm here! Right now I'm sitting in the Internet room at the Narita View Hotel having spent my first night in Japan - it's awesome.

I don't have much time right now, I'm just waiting until the bus arrives so I can head into Tokyo.

First, the admissions: I've spent the last few days with a massive knot in my stomache from nervousness. Everyone has been telling me I'm going to have so much fun, it'll be great, it's going to be the best thing I ever did, etc. Every time someone said this though, the knot just kept getting tighter.

Finally, the day came yesterday and during the whole drive to Sydney I was really shaking (luckily it was cold so I hid it well). At the airport, I tried to eat and instead only could get a milkshake down. I tried taking some pictures, but airports are really dull to look at.

It was hard saying goodbye to everyone, especially Blake (my 11 year old nephew), who started tearing up a bit - which made me feel like doing the same.

The flight was no problem, the seat beside me was free so I had a bit of room to stretch out. The knot was still there, though.

Then we started to descend... and that was the moment I finally untangled the mess in my stomache.

Flying into Narita was unbelievable, as we started to descend I watched the mainland come into view, and sticking out of the clouds far in the distance was Mt. Fuji - which was visible the entire way into the airport. We landed around 6.20pm local time.

Not many pictures yet (as I said, airports aren't very exciting), today's the big day for that. Speaking of which, I need to go catch my bus!

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