Monday 3 November 2008

The Plan

So last time I mentioned things on the travel front were going to change, starting this month - and here's where I get to tell you the good news! I've just finished booking my trip away to Italy, starting this coming Saturday and returning a week later on Sunday.

It wasn't a tough choice to decide where to go this time - I wanted to visit my ex-flatmate Elena, who moved back to Italy a few months ago and is now working in Milan. It has to be next week, too, as I've got gigs booked the following weekend, the one after and then December is a bit of a write-off. So keep an eye out, the travel tales will be returning soon! (And I've almost finished writing the Pamplona post, I swear!)

This one trip isn't all, though. Despite not appearing to have done a huge amount of anything this year, I've actually been working toward a few goals that have kept me busy. The most important one was making sure I had a solid foundation for the rest of my time in the UK: I've been working toward a savings target and I've started a new job that's putting me on a more secure (and potentially lucrative) path for employment. The downside has been a lack of time actually getting out to see the world, but now I have some good news.

The best part is I reached my savings target three months early, which means either my goal was too conservative or I can actually afford to start hitting the road again. I've chosen to believe it's the latter, so I now have a plan for the months to come.

From this month on, I intend to make at least one trip away per month, be it overseas or somewhere in the UK - even if it's only just for the weekend. I figure I can make two extended holidays away throughout the year, as well. I also intend to do at least one new thing in London each month, be it an exhibition, a tour - whatever. Just, something to get me out to see more of the city!

As I mentioned earlier, I've already made my first steps to make this happen: next week I'm off to Italy, which satisfies my monthly trip quota. And today, I satisfied the London part by visiting the Doctor Who Exhibition at Earl's Court!

Faithful readers should remember I visited a similar exhibition last year while I was in Cardiff. This one was much closer - in fact, the bus that goes past my flat goes directly to Earl's Court where it was held which worked out perfectly (especially considering my local tube line was closed for the weekend).

I'd actually intended to go yesterday, but my insanely busy schedule during the week meant I was completely knackered on Saturday morning and my legs were begging for a rest.

On Monday I'd gone to see my friend's band again, in what I can only describe as the most hilarious gig I've ever been to. Not because of his band, but the band on before them - they were a group of kids no older than 16. They were pretty talented musically (hell, they were miles better than me - but that's not saying a lot), but it became cringeworthy after they'd finished and the next band failed to show up. Rather than leave the stage empty, three of the kiddies jumped up and started messing around on stage... for 45 minutes. We decided to leave after 10, but outside we could still hear them at it until it was time for Dave's band to start.

Tuesday night I did very little, but Wednesday was another gig - this time, Jesus Jones! Yet another band I've been dying to see for years, I found out they were supporting The Wonder Stuff at two gigs that were on this week and they'd decided to do their own show as well - so I booked tickets for all three. Even better, the venue was just around the corner from my flat. It was a brilliant gig, they sounded amazing and I was totally exhausted after a good hour or so of dancing and jumping around.

Although I'd bought a ticket to see Jesus Jones and The Wonder Stuff on Thursday night, it dawned on me a week earlier that I wouldn't be able to make it that night as it was a long way away in Birmingham! Rather than worry about trying to make it there and back in time for work the next day, I reluctantly decided to sell my ticket to a friend - so instead of seeing the gig, Lee had bought tickets for us to go and see French and Saunders live!

On Friday night I headed back to Shepherd's Bush to see Jesus Jones and The Wonder Stuff, which turned out to be one of the best gigs I've seen all year. Jesus Jones were fantastic again, but I was amazed at how tight and energetic the Stuffies were - not to mention how great they sounded. They played for almost two hours all up, but after three songs I was completely worn out (to be fair, I wore myself out jumping around to Jesus Jones) so I moved to the side and enjoyed it away from the heaving crowd.

Oh, something I forgot to mention - I've been going to the gym again. Five times a week, in fact. There's three of us in my team who go during lunch, which has helped me actually keep at it. I've lost a little bit of weight so far, but nothing drastic. I do have a goal, though... I'll let you know if I reached it when the time comes.

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