Monday, 18 February 2008

What does it all mean?

My my my, it has been a long time since my last post!

What's been happening? Well, apart from work, having a band split up and quite a few nights out on the town, not a great deal.

I don't really have a lot to talk about, but I did want to share this dream I had last night. I thought it was pretty funny.

For some reason, my ex and I were back together and we were traveling the world. It was her turn to show me something - we were walking through this dark cave tunnel, with people passing us on either direction. Eventually we emerged into the light and in front of us was a large shelf full of huge bottles of water. I asked her why she was showing me this, and in response she told me to turn around.

We were standing on a tiny little island at the edge of a MASSIVE swimming pool - and when I say massive, I mean it went as far as the eye could see. The water was crystal clear, so we both jumped in and started having fun in the water.

At this point I woke up - and absolutely busting to go to the loo!

So, is there a deep and meaningful reason behind these images or, instead, was it my subconscious trying to let me know I need to dump a load of water from my system?

Well, at least I thought it was funny.